Questions to be addressed

The questions to be addressed herein are:

  • What is the trend in pollen grain germination over the different sucrose concentrations, and how can we use the association to determine the optimum concentration for maximum pollen grain germination?
  • Does pollen grain germination vary with mature bud length?
  • How closely does pollen germination rate correlate with pollen grain viability rate?

Experiment 1 will attempt to answer the first two questions. The third question will be answered from the second experiment. We shall estimate the optimum concentration for maximum pollen grain germination by using an analysis of variance and polynomial regression approach. Graphical summaries for the linear and quadratic trends in pollen grain germination will be presented over the different sucrose concentrations.

For the second experiment we will produce a scatter plot of percentage viability against percentage germination rate for the six buds.

Based on the results of Experiment 1 we shall pose a further question:

  • Can we draw any conclusions about future approaches to experimental design and sample size?

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